Take The Visitor Survey And Win A Goody Bag
The Old Great Square’s Christmas 2024 visitor survey is now open! Help us make our event even better by completing the survey. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, after which you can choose to enter a raffle. Three goody bags from association Turun Suurtorin keskiaika will be raffled off as prizes. The deadline…

The Christmassy Wheel of Fortune Was a Big Hit
The always-popular Christmassy Wheel of Fortune brought joy to hundreds of visitors again this year. The Wheel of Fortune wouldn’t have been possible without the contributions of companies, associations, and other parties who donated prizes for the raffle. A heartfelt thank you to all donors—your fantastic support made the raffle possible. The Christmassy Wheel of…

108,000 Visitors Attended the Old Great Square’s Christmas
The Old Great Square’s Christmas attracted a total of 108,000 visitors over the course of its four festive weekends! Attendees were able to enjoy the wintry weather, holiday atmosphere, wonderful program, and fantastic market products. This year’s program featured both familiar and new performances. The spectacular circus juggling and fire show were, as tradition dictates,…

The spectacular event play returns to the Old Great Square Christmas
The highly popular event play traditionally performed at the Old Great Square Christmas Market will once again grace this year’s festivities! Written by Petra Lähde and directed by Aliisa Kallio, the play takes the audience on a journey to 1920s Turku. Read more about the play in the description below: AMERICAN GIFTS The prodigal son,…

The Event Programme is Now Published!
The programme for the Old Great Square’s Christmas has now been published! The event is once again filled with a variety of activities and experiences for the whole family. You can check out the full programme here. This year, the programme features both new and traditional elements. Among the highlights is the annual historical play,…

Volunteer Recruitment for the Old Great Square’s Christmas Has Begun!
The volunteer recruitment for the Old Great Square’s Christmas has begun! Old Great Square’s Christmas will take place during four weekends leading up to Christmas: 23rd–24th November, 30th November–1st December, 7th–8th December, and 14th–15th December 2024, from 11 AM to 5 PM at the Old Great Square and the Brinkkala Yard in Turku. We are…

Riina Piekkala has started as the Creative Producer
Riina Piekkala started as the Creative Producer for association Turun Suurtorin keskiaika on September 16th. She has a degree in Drama Instruction and has worked broadly in the cultural sector as a producer, drama instructor, and performer. Piekkala has experience with cultural events of various sizes, group-based working methods, and visual production tasks at the…