Riina Piekkala has started as the Creative Producer

Riina Piekkala started as the Creative Producer for association Turun Suurtorin keskiaika on September 16th. She has a degree in Drama Instruction and has worked broadly in the cultural sector as a producer, drama instructor, and performer.
Piekkala has experience with cultural events of various sizes, group-based working methods, and visual production tasks at the “Kesärauha” and “Slot” festivals. She is inspired by enabling memorable experiences, the multidimensionality of creativity, and a boldly experimental and encouraging approach to working.
“I will begin by preparing for the Old Great Square’s Christmas and I look forward to various collaboration opportunities and creative program content, where we can already start experimenting with new ideas,” Piekkala shares.
You can contact Riina via email at riina.piekkala@suurtorinkeskiaika.fi or by phone at 040 132 9998.
Further information:
Meri Vuohu
Executive Director
Tel. +358 (0)40 132 9993